New Location in North Naples, Florida. Now open!
New Location in North Naples, Florida. Now open!

How It Works
The Science of Lasene

It all Starts With Light

The Therapeutic Light Treatments we use for your Lasene Program is a refined version of particular wavelengths found in sunlight that rapidly accelerate cell level healing and repair.

These wavelengths of light improve micro-circulation in tissue and, with it deliver increased amounts of nutrition and oxygen, modulate the rate of local mast cell activity in injured or damaged tissue and improves the immune system’s response in trauma, dysfunction and toxicity.

These Therapeutic Light Treatments also reduce the amount of pain messenger molecules generated from painful joints, muscles and nerves regardless of cause, and thereby reduce the severity and frequency of suffering. For the nervous system, they are known to increase nerve health and protection from stress, toxins, chemicals, medications and neurodegeneration.

Now that you understand the relationship between sunlight, Therapeutic Light Treatments and tissue repair, it is important to understand the rich history behind our system of quality-of-life protocols. Lasene Programs are rooted in over 80 years of scientific research on neurology, physiology and pathology and over 50 years in laser technology, cell biology, photobiomodulation, photophysics and photo biochemistry.

Lasene Programs are the cornerstone to a comprehensive system of health related QoL solutions for managing the complications of multiple neuromusculoskeletal and neurodegenerative conditions.

LASENE Therapies for Parkinson’s is a comprehensive neurological restorative program designed specifically for the Parkinson’s patient. In fact, just like the disease itself, Lasene Therapies is uniquely designed to match your specific set of complications and is dynamically adjusted to maximize your rate of progress.

Our proprietary protocols, clinical experience and advanced technology converge into a pivotal point where the science of physics, cellular biology and light therapy thrusts us years into the future of deep brain recovery.

Lasene Therapies offers a viable path back from the ravages of Parkinson’s. Lasene Therapies reduces and reverses many of the complications of PD and restores a quality of life unimaginable until now, as well as programs and QoL benefits for Sleep, Cognitive Function, Traumatic Brain Injury and other neurological conditions.

With Lasene Therapies, we do not modify your medication or health care routines, nor do we require or suggest that you stop seeing your current care provider(s). Our protocols are stand-alone, or can be complimentary to traditional PD care models. They are also free from adverse reactions, events, side effects or regression as defined by case studies at 1 to 2 years after initiating care.

Programs include delivery of a minimum of 35 sessions, a set of progress evaluations and adjustments to your Program as indicated.

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