New Location in North Naples, Florida. Now open!
New Location in North Naples, Florida. Now open!

Start Here

Begin your registration process by clicking the no-cost “Start Here” button below and complete and submit the Lasene Pre-Screening Form to determine your qualifications for this Program. Once this form is completed, all remaining forms automatically advance you to the next step and beyond.
If you are not accepted into the Program due to temporary or permanent reasons, you must provide a physician’s prescription stating that your risk factor(s) are under management and that you are a candidate for a Lasene Program. Once we receive a prescription from your physician you may reapply at Re-Application Form.

What to Expect – Brief Outline

Additional FAQs

Positions for Lasene Programs are limited to a first come, first serve basis with a courtesy wait list option for each location. Additional locations are opening in 2024 and if you wish to request a Lasene Center in a metropolitan area near you, please scroll down this page and use the “Contact Us” link.

Plans are a minimum of 35 sessions.  After your initial plan you can come back for maintenance treatments.

You have 24/7 access to detailed progress graphs via your Lasene Patient Portal.
Consistency of care is critical. Missed appointments are lost opportunities for recapturing your quality-of-life as much as possible. Our studies support common responses to Lasene Programs demonstrating marginal functional gains if treatment is less than 1 session per week, moderate gains if treated twice per week and substantial gains if three times per week in the beginning of your care plan. Anything less than full participation in the Program will likely impede your progress and your results.*
Due to limited enrollment space, it is highly recommended that you schedule as many of your appointments as possible when you first enroll to secure your best appointment schedule.
* We cannot assure optimal outcomes if schedule compliance is poor.

Thank you for your interest in Lasene. A representative will contact you via phone or email to answer your questions and tell you more about our programs and opportunities. (Typically within 3 business days)

Thank you for reaching out. We will be in contact with you shortly.