New Location in North Naples, Florida. Now open!
New Location in North Naples, Florida. Now open!

Patient Outcomes

Quality of life is about maintaining or returning to healthy, independent
activities of daily living and the things we most enjoy.

We Research Neural Deficits, We Treat Quality of Life

Lasene Executive
Function Program

Lasene Parkinson's

Lasene Sleep

1ct PD Patient, 89% Mean Peak Response Curve

1ct PD Patient, Net 89% Mean Peak Itemized Response Curve

17 PD Patients, 52% Mean Peak, 41% Mean Improv. over 142 Complaints

17 PD Patients, 52% Mean Peak, 41% Mean Improve. over 142 Complaints

10 of 17 PD Patients with Speech Dysf., Range 40 - 100% Mean Peak Improv.

15 of 18 PD Patients with Tremors, Range 20 -100% Mean Peak Improvement

*Results may vary from patient to patient, however data suggests a relatively consistent response curve among most
patients and for a common set of complications or complaints.

Thank you for your interest in Lasene. A representative will contact you via phone or email to answer your questions and tell you more about our programs and opportunities. (Typically within 3 business days)

Thank you for reaching out. We will be in contact with you shortly.